Saerwyn Voixonseiller

"Funny. The line between Light and Dark is so very thin. Do you know which side you're on?" -Uldren Sov

Sharlayan Sorceress - Elemental Occultist
(Mateus - Crystal Datacenter)


Name: Saerwyn (Sair-win) Voixonseiller (Voi-son-selly-ah)
Aliases: None
Titles: Star Mother
Age: 40+
Nameday: 13th Sun of the First Astral Moon
Birthplace: Dravanian Hinterlands, the Sharlayan Colony.
Race: Midlander Hyur
Height: 5 Fulms, 3 Ilms
Weight: 143pz
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Advisor to the Ember Adventuring Co.
Skills: Elemental Sorcery, Business Management.


Graceful and eloquent, old in age, yet young in appearance. She bears a pallid coloration across her skin, borne of years in Dravania and Coerthas. Not as stark as porcelain nor marble, but still pale enough to deduce she spends little time in sun-drenched areas of the Star. Her raven black hair contrasts quite splendidly with her skin, in combination with her lips, painted a cherry red. Most striking of all about her face however are her eyes; One light blue, the other a dark violet.A motherly figure graces her body, with a modest bust, and full-figured bottom, close to that of an hourglass. Do not mistake this for frailty however, as she is also muscled enough to put up a fight, though much of her strength comes from sorcery.Clad in dark blues and browns, she dresses herself in items meant to both catch the eye, and withstand environmental hazards and travel. A good pair of boots and gloves match this, along with several pouches and small packs strewn about her coat and belt, meant to carry necessary supplies.


Calm, collected, and caring above all. A mother above all else, she cares deeply for her only remaining child, and in turn, those she considers family. Anger does not rise quickly with her, save for when one threatens her child or those she has deemed worthy of her protection.

Lady of the Elements

Born of an ancient family of Sharalayan descent, Saerwyn, like many of her ancestors before her, served an Ishgardian house, the House Aurelstar, as an advisor on the greater aspects of magic and sorcery. Though she married into this same family, she still advises them, even if the only one left is her daughter.While her family, both Voixonseiller and Aurelstar, have ancient methods of destroying Voidsent, she and what is left of her direct family were never taught these lessons. Thus, she resorts to a different form of magic, Conjury.However, her methods would make any true conjurer from the Shroud seethe, as she perverts the art of it, referring to herself as an 'Elemental Occultist'. She does not use the aether of the elements around her to heal, but to harm, and to a degree, support her allies in the throes of combata.

Roleplay Hooks

  • If you are from Old Sharlayan, you may recognize her families name, or even recognize her from her brief visit to the city during the Final Days. [Interactions based on this should be discussed beforehand!]

  • If you grew up within the colony in Dravania, you'd be certain to recognize her; Those eyes are rather hard to forget...

  • A citizen of Ishgard? You'd recognize her as the wife of Lothin Aurelstar, who later exiled himself and his immediate family to Ul'Dah to get away from Ishgards politics, and the war.

  • Conjurer, or otherwise loyal citizen of Gridania? Realizing what her magics are, it may be in your interest to dissuade her from practicing, or even try to bring her to trial in the Shroud.

Out-of-Character Information

  • First & Foremost, I do not partake in ERP. Saerwyn as a character is widowed, and is not seeking another partner or one-time bedmates.

  • Saerwyn is an alt; My main is Telriah Aurelstar; Radomir Drakavisch is another alt of mine that I tend to be on.

  • Additionally, I do have a life outside of the game. Sunday through Thursday, I work 11 PM to 7 AM Eastern Standard. I am only available for RP from 4 PM to 9:30 PM EST during these days.

  • I do a lot of stuff outside of the game while logged in, please do not be offended if I spontaneously go AFK. I will warn you ahead of time in most cases!